The Conference on Higher Education Computing in Kansas (CHECK) is an annual gathering of information technology professionals in post-secondary institutions in Kansas to present, discuss and learn about new technologies and current issues in providing IT services to the higher education community. CHECK is sponsored by the Regents Information Technology Council (RITC) and coordinated by the CHECK Planning Committee (CPC). The CPC is a subcommittee of RITC. Hosting the event rotates among the member institutions.
Sessions cover a wide variety of timely topics in a variety of formats that include an invited keynote, panel discussions, and individual presentations. It is a valuable time to hear how others around the state are addressing issues common to all of us and to network with colleagues.
All Kansas higher education institutions are encouraged to participate; 2-year, 4-year, public, private, and technical.
CHECK 2021 will be a completely digital conference, free for all who register.
CHECK 2020 was hosted virtually by Emporia State University. View presentations from the conference on YouTube: